Green Thumbs

Today, after another trip to Bunnings, I made the start on my new Vege patch, or pot plant version so far.

You see, we have moved into this new house which has a massive backyard, and the back section looks like it used to be a Vege Patch.

I aim to revitalise that area as a new one.
I previously had a Chili patch at a share house, and they went ballistic, but the Mrs. isn’t a big fan of hot stuff. So a few choice tomato plants, a couple of lettuce, Zucchini and Cucumbers shall be the starting point of the new batch.

A vege patch is something for the kids to get involved in when they are a bit older, and having those fresh fruit and veges to pick while wandering around in the backyard is a great little treat.

I’ll update the progress as it moves along, will have to start with a before photo of the great jungle that it is, until the poison I picked up today kicks in 🙂

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